Qua | 25.07.12
As Bibliotecas vão-se adaptando aos tempos e aos leitores
As bibliotecas universitárias já não são os templos silenciosos de outros tempos mas, algumas, estão a criar zonas mais tranquilas para os alunos que não querem ser distraídos pela tecnologia e preferem o trabalho individual ao trabalho de grupo, como escreve Jennifer Howard no The Chronicle of Higher Education (EUA):
The buzzing of smartphones, the clacking of computer keys, the chatter of study groups: Academic libraries aren't the quiet temples to scholarship they used to be. Personal portable technology takes some of the blame. So does the current pedagogical emphasis on group work. In response to students' devices and habits, many libraries have installed coffee shops and embraced the learning-commons model of design, creating wired spaces where groups can gather and plug in.