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Qui | 10.01.13

A biblioteca e a escola do séc. XXI

Imagem: Tame The Web

A Web é um espaço social e aberto que mudou tudo - no trabalho, em casa e na escola. O que torna imprescindível a existência, nas bibliotecas escolares, de infra-estruturas informáticas e telemáticas adequadas, bem como de professores bibliotecários qualificados para saber aproveitar os novos recursos. Eis um artigo de Michael Stephens sobre esta temática:

The evolving Web is an open and social place. The Web has changed everything. Its impact on every facet of our lives — home, work and school — would be difficult to measure but the ‘always on, always available’ Internet is certainly a game changer. Can you recall the first time you realised that the Internet would change your job? Your school? Your students? (...)

That means ensuring there are enough qualified teacher librarians as well as maintaining and improving infrastructure. Having a new or refurbished school library is important, but the full potential of these resources cannot be realised without a qualified teacher librarian in place as well.

This fact cannot be ignored. Schools need qualified librarians. And in this Web-enhanced world, the qualifications and skill sets required are many. (...)

Ler mais no Thame The Web >>


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