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Blogue RBE

Qui | 06.01.11

Biblioteca da EB23 de Pedrouços beneficia de requalificação

A biblioteca integrou a RBE, em 2002, através de uma Candidatura Nacional. Volvidos estes anos e sem nunca ter recebido outros apoios, necessitava de uma requalificação que chegou no final de 2010. A RBE atribuiu uma verba para mobiliário, equipamento e  fundo documental;  a escola contribuiu com a pintura, a porta de vidro e telas nas janelas e uma nova biblioteca surgiu! A 'inauguração' decorreu hoje com o discurso do diretor, música e poesia pelos alunos. Presentes muitos professores, alunos, Carla Tavares (DREN) e a coordenadora interconcelhia. 
Estão agora criadas as condições para que a biblioteca desempenhe, mais cabalmente, o seu papel.


Este trabalho está licenciado sob licença: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Qui | 06.01.11

Predições para 2035

O jornal britânico The Guardian desafiou uma série de especialistas a escreverem sobre as mudanças que antevêem para os próximos 25 anos, nas mais diversas áreas - geopolítica, economia, física, alimentação, clima, moda, etc..

No domínio da web, o panorama estará irreconhecível, nomeadamente com a emergência da computação quântica:

Web/internet: 'Quantum computing is the future'

The open web created by idealist geeks, hippies and academics, who believed in the free and generative flow of knowledge, is being overrun by a web that is safer, more controlled and commercial, created by problem-solving pragmatists.

Henry Ford worked out how to make money by making products people wanted to own and buy for themselves. Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs are working out how to make money from allowing people to share, on their terms.

Facebook and Apple are spawning cloud capitalism, in which consumers allow companies to manage information, media, ideas, money, software, tools and preferences on their behalf, holding everything in vast, floating clouds of shared data. We will be invited to trade invasions into our privacy – companies knowing ever more about our lives – for a more personalised service. We will be able to share, but on their terms.

Julian Assange and the movement that has been ignited by WikiLeaks is the most radical version of the alternative: a free, egalitarian, open and public web. The fate of this movement will be a sign of things to come. If it can command broad support, then the open web has a chance to remain a mainstream force. If, however, it becomes little more than a guerrilla campaign, then the open web could be pushed to the margins, along with national public radio.

By 2035, the web, as a single space largely made up of webpages accessed on computers, will be long gone.

As the web goes mobile, those who pay more will get faster access. We will be sharing videos, simulations, experiences and environments, on a multiplicity of devices to which we'll pay as much attention as a light switch.

Yet, many of the big changes of the next 25 years will come from unknowns working in their bedrooms and garages. And by 2035 we will be talking about the coming of quantum computing, which will take us beyond the world of binary, digital computing, on and off, black and white, 0s and 1s.


Charles Leadbeater, author and social entrepreneur

Ler mais no Guardian, 2 Janeiro >> 


Este trabalho está licenciado sob licença: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0